In an ideal world, problems can be solved before they arise. However, as evidenced by daily life, this idea often does not translate into reality. KPMG helps its clients cope with their challenges by matching digital solutions with professional competence, focusing on improving quality, reducing inaccuracies and accelerating processes.

With the potential inherent in technology and a variety of digital solutions we can transform business activities so they do not lose their relevance in the digital age. Thus we facilitate collaboration with technology to cope with both day-to-day and unique challenges.

Learn more about our related services

KPMG Lighthouse

KPMG Lighthouse is the global centre of excellence for data management, artificial intelligence and dynamically evolving technologies. Our global expert network helps organisations generate the greatest value by applying these technologies in an optimal manner. We facilitate digital development with the right platforms, effective solutions and tools.

KPMG Cyber Lab

As the number and sophistication of cyber threats increase and technology becomes indispensable in meeting the needs of clients, employees, suppliers and society, cyber security must ensure flexibility and trust. Our professionals help you protect and develop your business.

Our certifications:


Cyber security advisory

Our advisory services enable your company to make the operation and use of the IT environment more secure. We uncover information security risks that affect your company, improve your security processes and help to be compliant with legal requirements or to be prepared for audits againts different standards.

Cyber security advisory

Get ready to transform your business with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is opening up entirely new avenues for improving experiences, delivering new value streams and transforming business models. KPMG combines our deep industry expertise and advanced technical skills to help business leaders harness the power of AI to accelerate time-to-value in a trusted manner – from strategy and design through implementation and ongoing operations. AI pushes boundaries: You are now empowered to do more. Make smarter decisions. Achieve your vision faster. Give yourself a competitive edge. 

KPMG AI solutions